Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

Your Neighborhood Florist since 1981. Delivery throughout Downtown & Greater Boston with Beacon Hill & Winchester Shops

Chocolate + Candle Gift Set

chocolate and candle gift sets
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Chocolate + Candle Gift Set


Delight your Valentine with the perfect accompaniment to a Floral arrangement; Chocolates & a Candle! Our signature ‘Stem Bar’ scented candle encompasses the aroma of walking into our flower shop, perfectly paired with exquisitely delicious Louis Sherry truffles - in a gorgeous keepsake tin container. Strike the mood with celebratory ‘Cheers’ matches.

Gathered together into a Rouvalis gift bag, perfect as its own gift or delivered alongside a floral arrangement!

Gift bag includes; 1: 12 piece Louis Sherry truffle tin box, 1: matchbook and 1: 6.8oz Candle

Shop more Gift Set & Chocolates on our Home Decor Page.

Designed + hand delivered by our staff within our Delivery Zone.

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Delight your Valentine with the perfect accompaniment to a Floral arrangement; Chocolates & a Candle! Our signature ‘Stem Bar’ scented candle encompasses the aroma of walking into our flower shop, perfectly paired with exquisitely delicious Louis Sherry truffles - in a gorgeous keepsake tin container. Strike the mood with celebratory ‘Cheers’ matches.

Gathered together into a Rouvalis gift bag, perfect as its own gift or delivered alongside a floral arrangement!

Gift bag includes; 1: 12 piece Louis Sherry truffle tin box, 1: matchbook and 1: 6.8oz Candle

Shop more Gift Set & Chocolates on our Home Decor Page.

Designed + hand delivered by our staff within our Delivery Zone.