Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

Your Neighborhood Florist since 1981. Delivery throughout Downtown & Greater Boston with Beacon Hill & Winchester Shops

Cotton Candy

florist with same day flower and plant delivery

Cotton Candy


Fun & playful like its name, this arrangement combines two sensational flowers of the season: Japanese Sweet Pea & Italian Cloni Ranunculus! Fragrant and delightful these blossoms float above green hydrangea and gardenia foliage, in a chiseled golden glass vase.

12x16” as shown

Designed + hand delivered by our staff within our Delivery Zone.

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Fun & playful like its name, this arrangement combines two sensational flowers of the season: Japanese Sweet Pea & Italian Cloni Ranunculus! Fragrant and delightful these blossoms float above green hydrangea and gardenia foliage, in a chiseled golden glass vase.

12x16” as shown

Designed + hand delivered by our staff within our Delivery Zone.

flowers for sympathy gifts
Blue Hyacinth
Sold Out
Blue Hyacinth
Secret Garden
Secret Garden