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An Exclusive Interview With Florists' Review Jules Lewis Gibson

Sean MurphyComment

We love this interview with Jules Lewis Gibson from Thursd! Enjoy!

On a beautiful terrace in Sarasota Florida, nearby the head office of the magazine, Jules talks about her life.

Florists' Review is a floral inspiration and information magazine in the USA that thrives after being nurtured by dozens of people for over 125 years. And of course because of the hard work of the President and Creative Director of Florist's Review Magazine since 2021, Jules Lewis Gibson, and her team.

When applying to write a few floral articles, Travis Rigby, the previous owner saw that there was nothing this lady couldn’t do, and instead of giving her the job, he decided to ask her to take over the business. Florists' Review has a new layout, new ideas, and a rock of a lady running it. Meet Jules Lewis Gibson!

A Floral Interview With Florists' Review Jules Lewis Gibson

On a beautiful terrace in Sarasota Florida, nearby the head office of Florists' Review Jules Lewis Gibson, the new owner of this awesome floral magazine takes her time. She looks confident in her ways and words and is ever so friendly when she sits relaxed at Epicure Cafe, an Italian Restaurant in Downtown Sarasota for the interview.

Marina Jack Sarasota Florida

Since January 2021 Jules Lewis Gibson is the proud owner of Florists' Review, the floral magazine with a history of 125 years. She's the mother of two boys - 14 and 16 years old - and so she tries to balance her life between family and her new business.

A third-generation female entrepreneur, Jules has acquired great know-how in the publishing and luxury marketing industries. For the past decade, Jules owned Fuse Media+, the Sarasota-based media company creators of Florida Homes Magazine, Florida Boating Magazine, and the award-winning women’s publication, Gravitas. 


Florists' Review Jules Lewis Gibson


With Florists' Review, she can honestly say, she has never been this happy in her working career before. Floriculture is a world she is not integrated into completely yet, but it feels like home. Almost two years after her first meeting with this floral world, she is confident this is her play. People are respectful and kind and always share. And Jules Lewis Gibson loves the generosity of spirit, and the generosity of knowledge, it's really unlike any other industry.

Who Is Jules Lewis Gibson?

Jules is born and raised in Atlanta. Her parents are both entrepreneurs, so it's probably in her blood to undertake new ventures. She began her career on the marketing side of the fine arts industry before founding her own advertising agency. After a few years, she grew weary of the fast-paced life she had created, so she took a year's sabbatical in 1998 to live in Europe. While she enjoyed the lifestyle in Europe all the rules made it difficult for entrepreneurs, so she eventually returned to the States. She later opened a nightclub, enjoyed a career in real estate, and spent a decade publishing consumer magazines.

Q: So Jules, how did life treat you since you lived in Europe? 


"During my time in Europe, I lived in the Netherlands, Italy, and mostly France. I loved the European mentality overall, and still enjoy every visit I have there. I feel so grateful that flowers have joined me on my path. Now I have many opportunities to return to Europe every year.
Before Florists' Review, I had several magazines running and also a few custom publishing contracts. One of the magazines was Gravitas, created by and for women with lots of interesting ideas, cool info, and hilarious insights to share. I’m still very proud of the work we did and the boundaries we pushed." 


Why a Women’s Magazine?

Jules had the feeling by seeing all the magazines in 2013 for women, she didn’t feel at home reading them. Everything was perfect, perfect models, perfect stories, different from real life. So she decided to start her magazine: Gravitas Magazine. 

Q: What’s the strength of a magazine in your eyes?


"In the USA, we have Esquire, a men’s magazine which I love. It’s life like it is, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, just as we see it, as we live it. In women’s magazines, it’s often more like a show, not the real deal, so I decided to change that and have photo features of well-known women - not models or movie stars, but famous in different ways and good interviews. Real stories.

I tried to partner with another national publisher to grow the brand across the country to no avail. Then a little feature in the New York Times resulted in more subscription sales in New York, Connecticut, and San Francisco than my entire four years in Tampa Bay. That was my sign that the content was worthy of a national audience, so I closed the print publication and planned to launch an audio magazine nationwide. It was 2017 and I was a big believer in the future of audio.

Life however had other plans. My best friend of 30 years was diagnosed with brain cancer. After losing her, I kind of buried my passion for Gravitas with her. Maybe, one day... (smiles confident) In my eyes Gravitas, like Florists' Review, strives to make the readers more confident in what they do, in where life takes them. I want to be able to make a difference for our readers."

Cover OctoberCover November


COVID Has Changed the World’s Perspective

Sadly, so many people lost their lives through COVID-19, but it has also changed a lot in our working world. For many, it brought back perspective and work-life balance. And also mobile working became a habit. 

Q: Are you happy with the changes COVID brought you?


"Covid gave the world an opportunity to pause. We looked within and made new plans for the future, renewed old plans, or changed our minds together. The rat race we were in, suddenly stopped... and as an entrepreneur, I looked for new opportunities. 

I saw the opening for a writer’s job at Florists' Review which I thought might be interesting. Boy, that turned out a little bit differently than I originally thought! Because of my eleven years of experience in publishing magazines, Travis Rigby, the previous owner decided that I was the right person at the right time to take over Florists' Review, the floral magazine with a long and strong history; one of a kind in the US. I feel truly blessed! I'm eager to grow our brand and continue the story."



An Advocate of Setting Clear Goals

Since Jules has been working for the better part of thirty years in marketing, fall is the perfect time for her to make plans and chart strategies for the coming year with and for her clients. Once a year it's important to put your company under a magnifying glass. 

Q.: What's important for you and your company when the year is going to its end? 


"I'm a big advocate of setting clear, precise goals. It's vital that at least once a year all business owners assess their revenue streams and challenge themselves to see if there are better ways to maximize profits and find new ways to add to their company strategies.

At Florists' Review, we try help to florists by giving them tools to make their business better. Floral education, tips and tricks in marketing, we will even bring out our own podcast named 'Flower Hour with Florists' Review' in 2023. And a new line of products for florists: the 'Florists' Review Collection'. So many plans and opportunities. I'm hopeful for our future. 
I recommend to follow your passion, do good work and remain open to new opportunities, even if they don’t follow a predictable career path. I think it is extremely important to have a diverse skill set and a broad range of experiences. The more you bring to the table, the better chance you’ll earn a good seat."


Cover AugustCover September

Enjoy the Reads of Florists' Review 

According to Jules Florists' Review is a must-have for every florist. Every month again they try to have a wide variety of articles and tutorials. 

Q.: Why do you believe Florists' Review is a must-have? 

Jules Lewis Gibson:

"Every month we create an entirely new bundle of content carefully crafted to inspire creativity and build strong business foundations for florists, any and all kinds. We share so much talent among our pages and posts. It’s this timeless knowledge from tutorials to business practices that encourages people to collect our publications. I meet people often that have collected Florists’ Review in their family for generations. 

We take great pride in the quality of the presentation of our print publications. The paper, the photography, the writing, it all matters to us. We’re so proud of the devotion people have to this 125-year-old brand. We love our followers and enjoy interacting closely in our social communities on Instagram and Facebook where we can continue the conversations that are limited in print.  So, it’s becoming a nice little symbiotic floral world at Florists’ Review. We have so many exciting things to create, people to meet, and fabulous flowers to enjoy! We’re grateful for every day of it!” 

How to Revive a Dead Plant Using 8 Simple Tips - Approved by Gardening Experts

Sean MurphyComment

Don't give up on your plant yet! Follow these amazing tricks to promote healthier, longer-living plants.

Here’s some great tips for reviving your plants from Thursd!

By: THURSD. | 01-09-2022 | 5 min read


All may not be lost! Your plants can have a second life and come back to their greenest and most abundant shape if you carefully and conscientiously follow these 8 hacks on how to revive a dead plant.

These Efficient Tips on How to Revive a Dead Plant Are Plant-Savers-Literally

Although appearances on plants can be deceiving and misleading, even if a plant looks dead, it doesn't mean that it is 100% dead. Give these professional gardening tricks on how to revive a dead plant first, instead of tossing it out firsthand.



1. Look for Signs of Life

When it comes to plants, the term "dead” is completely relative because at times it may look like your plant is ready to be thrown away, but if you take a closer look, that may not be the case. Always check if there's still some green left in the plant because this is a good sign, meaning not everything is lost.



Make sure to also check the roots. As the plant’s support system, they provide a lot of information about the state of its overall health.

2. Check if You Have Overwatered Your Plant

If you've been hydrating your plant with too much water, you'll need to change this instantly. Indeed plants need water to survive and thrive, but it’s possible to give a plant too much water. You will tell they're overwatered if they start showing brown or yellow wilted leaves with moist soil. This will affect the roots, causing them to rot.



How to revive this dead-looking plant? Simple! According to professional gardeners, you should remove the plant from direct sunlight and stop watering until the soil dries out.

3. On the Same Note, Check if You Have Underwatered

How to revive a dead plant if you notice it's underwatered? Gardening professionals recommend letting your plant soak in water for a few hours for it to get its hydration properties back to life again.



When searching for signs to see if your plant is underwatered, you'll probably notice the plant wilting, plus its leaves will start to dry out and brown at the tips, and then turn brown, die, and drop off. Follow the great advice of letting the plant soak in water so you can revive your dead-looking plant.

4. Remove Dead Leaves

If you want to know how to revive a dead plant, here goes another great tip. Plants that are deteriorating will likely have dead leaves, and you’ll need to get rid of them to get your plant revived. If you notice leaves are completely brown, let them go, because they're not coming back. On the contrary, you'll want to focus on new growth instead.



To remove them, snip the dead leaves with a pair of scissors, or gently pinch the dead leaves with your fingertips.

5. Cut Back the Stems

When strumming the leaves or stems of a plant, of course, this will help revive a dead plant, but progress takes time. Don't get scared or flushed away if you don't see immediate results in your plant's revival process.



If you want to know how to revive a dead plant, you'll want to start by trimming back the dead leaves, and then take off dead bits of the stem as well. Ideally, you want to take it back to the healthiest bits of the plant, but if the stems are dead, then leave at least two inches of them above the soil.

6. Be Cautious About the Lighting

Lighting is an important factor for the health of your houseplants, so you’ll need to make sure that your variety is getting the optimal amount. Once you know if your houseplant prefers full sun, partial sun, direct sunlight, or indirect sunlight, then you can move it to a more suitable area of your home.



This is a great tip on how to revive a dead plant: if your plant isn’t getting enough light, move it to somewhere it will enjoy optimal amounts of sunlight, without exaggerating.

7. Provide Additional Nutrients

Feeding your plant is especially important during the growing seasons of spring and summer. A malnourished plant will instantly show weak stems or discolored leaves, so to revive a dead or dying plant, you’ll need compost or fertilizer.



Simply repotting your dying plant is a great hack on how to revive a dead plant. Soil can decrease the amounts of nutrients over time, so repotting every few years is always a good idea.

8. Wait at Least a Month

Patience is key when you're a plant parent looking at how to revive a dead plant. Keep a close eye on your plant for a few weeks and then reevaluate its state. It's very important to be conscious of the fact that once you’ve taken steps to revive a dying plant, it can take up to a month before you start to see an improvement or new growth.



Don't give up on your plant too soon, it needs you! If you follow these amazing tips on how to revive a dead plant, we're sure you'll retrieve its beautiful green leaves and stems.

Learn How Red Flowers Can Have an Impact on Your Mood and Their Significance

Sean MurphyComment

Who doesn’t love the color red? Enjoy this read from Thursd. on all the ways this special color can lift your mood!

Red on red makes the perfect combination, making this striking color along with red flowers are a great mood shifter.

By: THURSD. | 17-11-2022 | 4 min read


It is widely known that color psychology works greatly with the human mind to create a boosting effect, whether it be emotional, or mental. Because every flower color has a different meaning and effect, we're making emphasis on how 'passion red' the Thursd Floral Trend Color of 2023, and red flowers can transform your frame of mind.

Passion Red- The 2023 Thursd Floral Trend Color

In case you missed the color news, on Thursd we recently announced what the Floral Trend Color of 2023 will be. Any guesses? It's a dark, passionate, deep color that exuberates courage and passion. Yep, the 2023 Thursd Floral Color Trend is passion red and we could not be more excited as to what this color will bring and symbolize for the floral industry and overall daily lives. Read the full article 'Thursd Floral Trend Color 2023 - Passion Red' to know more.



The protagonist color that'll be taking over floral bouquets, arrangements, decorations for events, interior decoration at home, and everything you could imagine will be a dark, cherry, passionate red and truly, we're living for it. Although this color will make a statement and grand entrance to welcome 2023, it's important to understand the psychology of colors and the impact they can have on our mood.

Color Psychology - How It Works

In its simplest terms, color psychology has become a popular area of color theory that assigns emotional and psychological connotations between colors and emotions. Many of these meanings are universal because they have an effect on the brain but some are only cultural. When traveling, it would be wise to research the accepted and non-accepted colors for any family or cultural event you are attending abroad.



Sometimes a hue can have many connotations for you. For example, you may choose to wear red one day because:

  • It lifts your mood

  • You are ready to light up your daily passions

  • You are feeling powerful

  • You want to make a statement



Now that we've mentioned the Thursd Floral Trend Color that'll be taking over 2023, aka 'Passion Red', the moment to know how this color can impact your mood has finally come. You'll be impressed to know the effects of this striking color on your daily spirit and disposition.

The Impact of Red on Your Mood

Red attracts the most attention and is associated with strong emotions, such as love and passion. It's of course known as the universal color that represents eternal love. Not only that, but red is also a strong color that signifies strength, power, and courage in everything that you do.



But the best part of all, the Thursd Floral Trend Color for 2023 passion red is energizing and exciting, motivating us to act and do everything with ultimate passion as if it was our last day on earth.  It can also give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in willpower.

Powerful Red Flowers Are the Perfect Mood Boosters

Every type of flower and color has a different meaning and impact on the human eye. In this case, red color is no exception, appearing to be one of the strongest, and most appealing visual flower colors. Although the red color has a general meaning and symbolism, red flowers also have a significance of their own.



Red is an undeniable symbol of love and passion, primarily because the color red is associated with the heart. Red also represents the color of flushed cheeks. In addition to desire, red can also represent strength and courage, two very important characteristics that are essential more than ever to be successful in all the challenges faced on a daily basis in the flower industry.



Some of our all-time fave red flowers include red roses (need we say more about these beauties?), followed by red poppies, chrysanthemums, red anthuriums, and lastly passion red alstroemeria. To see a full list of our favorite selection of roses that embed the Thursd Floral Trend Color Palette for 2023, make sure to read the article 'The Perfect Floral Trend Color Palette for 2023 Using David Austin Roses'.



So, are you a declared red fan now? Hold on tight, because the flower world will be conquered by red flowers and the passion red trend color!

Newest Ranunculus and Anemone Novelties Shown at IFTF

Sean MurphyComment

What amazing flowers shown at the IFTF. Enjoy this read from Thursd. on everything about ranunculus and anemone flowers!

International flower fairs are the perfect spot to catch up on novelties in the floral industry. Here are two beautiful ones that are very popular trend-setters.

By: THURSD. | 23-11-2022 | 3 min read


If you attended this year's IFTF in Amsterdam, Netherlands, you know it was a complete flower paradise, to say the least. With this comes one of the most paradisiac flower booths seen at IFTF 2022. Rosaprima from Ecuador really stole everyone's hearts with their newest Ranunculus and Anemone varieties and you're bound to know why.

Rosaprima Caught the Direct Attention of Visitors at IFTF 2022

Show stealers when it comes to flowers? Absolutely yes! This year, the top Ecuadorian company had a very impactful presence at one of the most popular trade fairs in the Netherlands. From the opening on November 9th till the fair's closing on November 11th, Rosaprima was one of the most recured booths. Why? The answer is high-quality, amazingly colored, and out-of-this-world flower varieties.



Literally, everyone who passed by just seemed to stop and stare at the infinite beauty of their flowers, especially that of their garden roses. But we're not here to talk about their conquering roses, but rather their newest ranunculus and anemone varieties that were centered in their booth, evoking all the attention towards their distinctive shapes and colors.

The Newest Ranunculus and Anemone Products Showed Extreme Attractiveness

Sexy, whimsical, and quaint are the vibes both the new ranunculus and anemone varieties by Rosaprima give you. The feeling of love, at first sight, was widely felt when visitors from different countries saw them exposed in their IFTF booth.


Ranunculus by Rosaprima


Some of the most common reactions observed were a daily lineup of "wows", and "never seen something more beautiful." But leaving the beauty aside for a short bit, it's time to get into what you came for and learn about the new ranunculus and anemone novelties by Rosaprima.


Anemone by Rosaprima


Ranunculus Trend-Setters

With a clear shiny spectrum, and striking bright colorful tones throughout the three days of the fair, the 2022 Ranunculus collection by this prestige Ecuadorian flower company was everything flower lovers could ever wish for and more.



After nearly 26 years of growing only the best roses available, the company was utterly prepared to broaden its product line and introduce ranunculus flowers as a brand-new, exceptional offering. These new buds, which were raised on the same estate as our roses, high in the Andes, are sure to catch everyone's attention, and guess what? They totally did.



The paper-like petals of blossoms on bright, curved stems exude a charming beauty. Discover the quirky buds and new colors in their newest collection of Ranunculus here!

Introducing New Anemone Varieties as Well

Rosaprima was also delighted to make their newest Anemone varieties stand out at the IFTF 2022. Specifically, their Anemone Mistral Panda and Anemone Mistral Bordeaux were seen making a grand entrance at their flower booth.



These beautiful blooms are perfect for any occasion, adding a touch of elegance to any arrangement. During the fair, the new anemones were seen intertwining in glass vases, mixing white and dark purple tonalities to create a unique and noticeable color combo.



Always Innovating and Creating Top-Quality Blooms

Looking for ways to excel in everything they do is definitely a strong and visible characteristic that describes this passionate flower company. It is no surprise that Rosaprima is known to be one of the most popular and liked flower businesses not only because of the essence and valuable information they share with their followers and clients, but because their products are truly one in a million when it comes to innovation, colors, shapes, and quality.



Hope to see more of Rosaprima next year and what they'll bring to the table!

Fresh Cut Christmas Tree Care

Sean MurphyComment

Fresh Cut Christmas Tree Care

Make a Fresh Cut

  • Make a fresh cut on the trunk to open up the pores which have been clogged by sap. Cut off at least one-half inch. The fresh-cut surface should be creamy-white, not yellow or brown. If you do not make a fresh cut, the tree will not be able to drink water.

  • After the cut is made, put the tree in warm water as soon as possible. The longer the time between when the tree is given a fresh cut and when it is put into the water, the less ability the tree has to absorb water.

  • Even if a hole is drilled to accommodate a pin-type stand, a fresh cut also should be made on the trunk.

Place Tree in Water

  • Place the tree in a sturdy stand which will hold at least one gallon of water.

  • Check tree stand for leaks.

  • Fill stand with water.

  • If the tree is not going into the house soon after the purchase, it should be stored in a bucket of clear water on a cool porch or patio away from wind and sun in warm climates and protected from freezing and wind in cold climates.

Water Daily

  • A cut tree will drink 65% of its water in the first week. A good rule of thumb is that for every 1” of diameter, a tree will use a quart of water per day. For example, a 4” diameter tree will use 1 gallon of water per day for the first several days.

  • An average tree may consume between a quart and a gallon of water per day.

  • If the water level drops below the cut end of the trunk, a seal will form and no more water will be absorbed by the tree unless another fresh cut is made. So don’t forget to add water every day.

Keep Away From Heat Sources

  • Place the tree away from heat sources such as heating vents, fireplaces, wood stoves, radiators, or sunny windows.

LED Lights Produce Minimum Heat

  • LED lights produce virtually no heat and reduce the drying effect upon a tree.

  • Always check light sets for frayed, cracked wire insulation & broken sockets before placing them on a tree.

  • Do not attempt to repair a worn light set. Throw it away and buy a new set.

  • Do not overload electrical circuits.

Remove Tree Promptly

  • After Christmas, before the tree dies, remove it from the house for recycling or pick up by your local disposal service.

  • If the tree dies before you remove it from your house, dried needles will be extremely messy.

  • Never burn any part of a Christmas tree in a wood stove or fireplace.