Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

Your Neighborhood Florist since 1981. Delivery throughout Downtown & Greater Boston with Beacon Hill & Winchester Shops

Succulent Garden

Beacon Hill Boston Flower Shop
Plant Delivery in Beacon Hill Boston

Succulent Garden


An oval shaped ceramic container sets the stage for lush succulents! Medium to bright light and minimal watering will keep this planter thriving.

*Succulents will range in color and variety, trailing succulent shown not seasonally available.

10x7x6 as shown

Designed + hand delivered by our staff within our Delivery Zone.

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An oval shaped ceramic container sets the stage for lush succulents! Medium to bright light and minimal watering will keep this planter thriving.

*Succulents will range in color and variety, trailing succulent shown not seasonally available.

10x7x6 as shown

Designed + hand delivered by our staff within our Delivery Zone.

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