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Fall Bulb Planting

Sean Murphy1 Comment
  • In the fall, you'll find bulbs to purchase just about anywhere! Make sure you buy your bulbs from a reputable nursery or garden center,. Second-rate bulbs product second-rate flowers or don't sprout at all.
  • Plant anytime before the ground freezes. For the New England area I would suggest anytime before November.
  • See the chart below for type of bulbs by hardiness zone. .
  • Ideally, plant your bulbs soon after you purchase them.
  • Select a site with lots of sun and well-drained soil. Work a few inches of compost in the soil.
  • Plant bulbs generously just in case some do not sprout. And plant them in random order and spacing for a more natural appearance. If you love groves of daffodils and blanketed landscapes of tulips, be prepared to buy and plant a large quantity of bulbs!
  • In general, plant bulbs at a depth of three times the width of the bulb.
  • After planting, apply fertilizer low in nitrogen, such as a 9-6-6 formulation.  If your soil's sandy, plant bulbs slightly deeper; in clay soils, slightly shallower.
  • Water well after planting. Apply mulch to keep the weeds down and hold in moisture.
  • Do you have voles or chipmunks? Consider planting your bulbs in a “cage” fashioned with chicken wire.