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Where Nature Meets Style. Best of Boston 2024!

In The Shoppe: Bromeliads!

Sean MurphyComment

Summer is in full swing! and that means one thing: VACATION! We can't think of many downsides to packin' up and getting out of the city for awhile, but we can think of at least one: Plant Killer's Guilt. You know- that feeling you get walking in the door from a week on the cape, only to find your beloved little fern has suffered a painfully parched death? Somewhere between remembering the sunscreen and your passport you forgot your pothos.   If this sounds at all familiar don't worry, we've got you covered! New to our shoppe this week we have bold, beautiful and resilient Bromeliads.  Bromeliads are vividly colorful low-maintenance  tropical plants that are native to the Americas. They work wonderfully as indoor houseplants, especially if you have a bright sunlit room or windowsill. Bromiliads boast a large array of unique colors, ranging from coral and royal blue, to hot pink to bright yellow and many more. The foliage is equally impressive, with many varieties featuring natural patterns such as stripes, spots and color splotches.  They are extremely forgiving in terms of care, only needing to be watered about once every 3 weeks. The infrequent waterings and temperature adaptability make Bromeliads our top choice for vacation-proof houseplants.  Head in to our Boston location to check out our impressive selection of Bromeliads and enjoy a vibrant houseplant that wont be pushing up daisy's by the time you get back from the islands. 

-Serena Fae