Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

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Around The Shoppe

Greetings from a very wet and rainy Rouvalis Flower Shoppe! Although we were all drenched on our way to work today we really can't complain because Beacon Hill on a rainy day is nothing but romantic. Walking down the rain-washed brick sidewalks amid the old gas-lit street lamps is like taking a stroll back in time. We're warming up in the shoppe with the  glowing pumpkins in our windows and a cut flower display that is just bursting with colors for the fall.   

West Cedar's dancing flame 

Turning straw into Gold for this window display 

a small sampling of our cuts this week 

Warm and dry inside the shoppe

If you do venture out today make Rouvalis one of your stops and bring home some sunflowers on this rainy afternoon!

-Serena Fae