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How to Grow Amaryllis Bulbs

Sean MurphyComment

Amaryllis bulbs are known for their willingness to produce large and colorful blooms indoors in the fall and throughout the winter seasons here in the states.  

 Amaryllis are shipped to us in with just the bulb of the plant, we sell them in bare bulb form or in containers that the Amaryllis is already rooted and ready to grow. 

If you are using just the bulb please follow these simple steps on how to plant the bulb.

Step 1: First this that you will need to do is find the right pot. Most important: the pot must have a drainage hole. Second, it needs to accommodate the bulb. Choose one that's an inch or two wider than the diameter of the bulb. Check the depth, too. Ideally, you have room for an inch or two of soil below the bulb once it's been planted. Keep in mind that your amaryllis will be a bit top-heavy when it blooms, so a heavier pot is better.



Step 2: Use garden soil and moisten it before planting the bulb. This makes it easier to work with. If the soil goes in dry, it's hard to get the bulb situated. Do not use regular garden soil; it will not drain properly and your bulb might rot.  



Step 3: Place the bulb so the top third will remain above the soil surface. Leave an inch or so between the soil surface and the rim of the pot. This will make it easier to water the bulb thoroughly. Be sure to pack the soil around the bulb, giving the plant a good foundation for when it's in flower.

Step 4:  Place the pot in a cool and bright location. Direct sunlight is not essential. Water sparingly until you see about 2″ of new growth. In some cases, the flower stalk appears first; sometimes it's the strappy leaves. Either way is fine. Once the plant is in active growth, water regularly and turn the pot periodically to encourage the stalk to grow straight. Buds will appear and blooms will begin to open within five to eight weeks. To prolong the blooms, keep the pot away from heat and direct sunlight. Sometimes the long flower stems benefit from a little extra support. We tend to use Dogwood or Birch branches.