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Why Lilac Bushes Only Bloom For Two Weeks

Sean MurphyComment

For the Massachusetts area, this typically means that lilacs will be in bloom during the end of April until the second week of May, if we are lucky. Depending on the altitude and location of our lilac bushes we may loose blooms earlier while a shaded shrub may keep its blooms for a few days longer. Lilacs are shrubs not trees. The genus, Syringa, is so popular that over 1000 hybrids have been produced from the 25 species. Lilacs are increasing in demand and the shrubs are known for their longevity.

The scent of lilacs is so intriguing, it is sweet and intoxicating and very distinct. Every year I cut a few blooms to bring that scent inside the house with me. I also cut a bunch to give to my Mother on Mother's Day. Maybe one of the reasons that a lilac blooms for such a short period of time is to remind us not to forget our mothers. The lilacs remind us how quickly time passes and that we should enjoy every moment and be thankful for our mom's at the same time. This is my theory. In reality, why do lilacs only last for two weeks? If the shrubs are known for longevity, why hasn't someone produced a lilac bloom that is also known for its longevity?