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Ter Laak Orchids Wins AIPH & IGOTY Grower of the Year

Sean MurphyComment


The Ter Laak Orchids in the Netherlands, have been crowned the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) International Grower of the Year (IGOTY) 2018. 

The Ter Laak Orchids family business has been growing Phalaenopsis plants since 1980. In that time, they’ve developed into a respected partner for many customers around the world. Their clients including Rouvalis appreciate the results-oriented approach and typical Dutch trading mentality. In everything they do, they are guided by their core values: demonstrating ambition, respecting people and the environment and doing business in a straightforward way. The jury praised the company for being “A fast growing international business with a strong clear focus on their people and sustainable production.  A truly outstanding company.”