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Happy May Day!

Sean MurphyComment

What is May Day exactly, we went to Farmers Almanac to learn more about this day!


The ancient Celts called it “Beltane”—the day halfway between spring and summer that coincides with the return of fertility to the earth.


Here are some joyful May Day traditions marking the return of spring and the renewed gift of life. 

  • Neighbors may leave baskets of flowers on each other’s doorsteps or doorknobs.
  • Kids can go barefoot on May Day for the first time.
  • People will crown a “May Queen” for the day’s festivities.
  • Beekeepers will move bees on May 1st.
  • Fishermen expect to catch fish on May Day.
  • On May Day morning, if a maiden gathers dew before sunup and sprinkles her face with it, she will enjoy luck and youthful beauty for the rest of the year.
  • Farmers often plant corn, cucumbers, and turnips on this day.
  • Villagers may hold theatrical battles between “summer” and “winter” that banish the winter. 
  • The Kentucky Derby starts off the month of May (the first Saturday of the month).
  • On May 1st, people in Britain welcome spring by “Bringing in the May,” or gathering cuttings of flowering trees for their homes.
  • May 1st in Hawaii is called “Lei Day,” and people will receive prizes this day for wearing the prettiest handmade leis. 

We are celebrating by filling our outdoor display with lush plants ready for window boxes and container plantings, brilliant hydrangeas for color indoors and out! We are especially excited for the return of Peonies, in many shades we are creating assorted custom bouquets for pick up or local delivery to help spread Spring Cheer!