Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

Your Neighborhood Florist since 1981. Delivery throughout Downtown & Greater Boston with Beacon Hill & Winchester Shops

Order Your Thanksgiving Flower Arrangements!

Sean MurphyComment

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, we have a beautiful floral collection for the holiday, here are two centerpieces we are currently spotlighting!


Seeking the perfect holiday centerpiece for your Thanksgiving dinner? This lush autumnal compilation features garden roses, hydrangea, kale and seasonal accents expertly created in a long and low style.


An abundant, lush and bright fall arrangement designed in a rectangular glass vase perfect for the centerpiece on a long table. Orange amaryllis, cherry brandy roses, mango calla lilies, highlighted by textual foliage, dried wheat and a showstopping cut ruby pomegranate.