Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

Your Neighborhood Florist since 1981. Delivery throughout Downtown & Greater Boston with Beacon Hill & Winchester Shops


Plant Pick: Miltonia Orchid

Sean MurphyComment

The most typical orchid that you'll find in our shop and many others is specifically a phalaeonopsis orchid. These are beautiful blossoms that come in a variety of colors, and sizes, so they are always a great gift option! However, sometimes we stock other types of orchids for a little variety and to add a little something special to our display. 

We have these beautiful miltonia orchids in stock currently, and love them! Similar care as a phalaenopsis orchid, but these blossoms are a bit smaller and their leaves are much more lush than a traditional orchid. What do you think of them? 

Road to Valentine's Day: Part 4

Sean MurphyComment

Looking for something other than a flower arrangement? We have beautiful orchids available for delivery and pick up as well! 

Fuchsia Orchid:

Medium size fuchsia double stemmed orchid plant set into a sleek black vessel with black river rocks set atop. 

Approximately 14" tall.

Designed and hand delivered by our staff. 

Available 2/10 thru 2/14 only.

Shop our entire Valentine's Day collection here: 10% off when you order before Monday, February 6th with code "Vday17" at checkout!